BTSDA Parameter settings feature

Latest updated: Jul 16, 2024
Video recording version:, compatible with BTSDA 8.0 software.

The "Parameter settings" feature in the toolbar is used for configuring data views. Data is categorized into cycle layers, step layers, and record layers. Cycle layers display data records for each cycle, showing charge and discharge capacities, efficiency, and other data for each cycle. Step layers contain step information within each cycle, such as constant current charge-discharge steps shown in the graph. Record layers consist of recorded data points for voltage and current at each time frequency. Click on "Parameter Settings" in the toolbar.

 ● Unit settings: You can change the unit of data and the number of decimal places displayed. For example, changing the current unit to mA and setting the number of decimal places to 3 will adjust the display of current data on the curve's axis and in the right-side data accordingly.

 ● Circulating layer: Check the box on the left to display data types for the cycle layer, and on the right, you can change the cycle statistics method, platform voltage, and the cycle range displayed when opening a file. Set the cycle statistics method to charge first, discharge first, step default, or set the start step and number of steps to record, so the cycle layer data will display content according to the set method.

 ● Step layer: Check the box on the left to display data types for the step layer, and on the right, you can change the absolute time value for the step layer and input voltage parameters to calculate dQ/dV.

 ● Recording layer: Check the box on the left to display data types for the record layer.

 ● Display settings: When checking the single step in the time scheme, the time record changes from the total test time record to the time record for that step (As shown in the figure). You can also enable cumulative capacity, change the log scheme. The color scheme allows you to change the background color of data at different levels. Copy scheme arranges data during selection; check "Table headers are automatically sorted". For record layer data, if columns include voltage alongside time, capacity, energy, power, SOC/DOD, place voltage last. Edit font settings below the font scheme.

This operation video tutorial is applicable to the following products:
● CT-4000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-4008Q-5V100mA, CT-4008Q-5V6A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V6A-164, CT-4008Q-5V12A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V12A-164, etc.)
● CE-6000 Battery Testing System Series (Cell, Module, Pack, etc.)
● CT/CTE-8000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-8002Q-5V100mA, CTE-8008-5V200A, etc.)
● All-in-One Battery Testing System Series (WHW-25L-S-16CH, WIHW-200-160CH-B, WHW-100L-2-160CH, WHW-500L-5V6A80CH-380V, WGDW-380L-2-40BFC-5V600A8CH, etc.)


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