Method for setting protective parameters and making essential protective parameters mandatory

Latest updated: Jul 16, 2024
Video recording version:, compatible with BTS 8.0 software.

To ensure testing safety, when using BTS 8.0 software for battery testing, various protection conditions and parameters can be set.

Most protection parameter settings are in step editing. Open BTS 8.0 software, right-click the channel, and click "Single start". Set protection conditions in "Others", which apply only to that step. You can set voltage and current limit protection, capacity limit protection, temperature and voltage limit protection for auxiliary channels, and temperature limit protection for incubators. If the set values are exceeded, an error prompt will appear, and the test will stop. In addition to setting protection conditions in the other options of step editing, you can set upper and lower limits for auxiliary channel voltage and temperature, incubator temperature and pressure, and delay protection on the right side. These parameter settings apply to all steps.

To set necessary protection items as required, click "Set", then "System settings", and "Step edit". Find "Step parameter must be set up" and check the corresponding parameter types, setting them as global required, single-step required, or just a prompt.

In addition, you can set advanced protection parameters by clicking "Set", then "Protection parameter settings". Advanced protection parameters only apply to the whole cabinet start mode and automatic start mode, including formation protection and capacity protection. In the formation and capacity protection, you can set steps: CC Chg (constant current charge), CV Chg (constant voltage charge), CCCV Chg (constant current-constant voltage charge), CC DChg (constant current  discharge), rest, global protection, and safety protection for 7 types of step protection conditions, and set detailed protection parameters for the corresponding steps. Note that advanced protection parameters need to be set before loading. Click "Set", then "System settings", and "Fool-proofing settings". Find "Single channel start whether loading advanced protection parameters", check to load formation protection parameters or capacity protection parameters, and save.

This operation video tutorial is applicable to the following products:
● CT-4000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-4008Q-5V100mA, CT-4008Q-5V6A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V6A-164, CT-4008Q-5V12A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V12A-164, etc.)
● CE-6000 Battery Testing System Series (Cell, Module, Pack, etc.)
● CT/CTE-8000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-8002Q-5V100mA, CTE-8008-5V200A, etc.)
● All-in-One Battery Testing System Series (WHW-25L-S-16CH, WIHW-200-160CH-B, WHW-100L-2-160CH, WHW-500L-5V6A80CH-380V, WGDW-380L-2-40BFC-5V600A8CH, etc.)


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