
MySL service and BTSServer service exception resolution

Latest updated: Mar 26, 2024

1. If the MYSQL service starts normally but the BTSServer service fails to start, how should you proceed?

Uninstall and reinstall BTSServer by following these steps:

  • Disable network communication between the server computer and the workstation for offline testing.

  • Note the server's installation path, version number, and architecture.

  • Uninstall BTSServer from the Control Panel.

  • Backup all remaining files from the uninstalled server's folder and verify that the backup file sizes are consistent to ensure no anomalies.

  • Install the same version of BTSServer in the original server installation path.

  • Enable network communication.

2. If the MYSQL service cannot start but the BTSServer service starts normally, what should you do?

Attempt to forcefully start the service using commands. If unsuccessful, database recovery may not be possible. If the forceful start is successful, access the database to check for any damage to the 'test' and 'h_test' tables. If damaged, verify in the 'backup' and 'startinfo' folders under the installation directory for these tables. If all are damaged, database recovery may not be feasible. If the service starts successfully and the tables are intact, database recovery can be performed using automated scripts or manual operations.

3. If both MYSQL and BTSServer services fail to start, what steps should you take?

Follow the same steps as for a MySQL database corruption issue. After repairing the database, recheck the BTSServer service. If it still fails to start, uninstall BTSServer and reinstall it in the same directory. For database repairs, please contact the after-sales department for assistance!

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