Rate testing step for lithium-ion battery lithium iron phosphate cathode material

Latest updated: Mar 20, 2025
Video recording version:, compatible with BTS 8.0 software.
  • Open the pre-set rate test step file.

  • First set aside for 1 hour to stabilize the internal area of the battery.

  • Since the cathode material was studied, the constant current charging work step was set up first.

  • After selecting the C-rate mode, input the theoretical specific capacity of the material and the mass of the active material, and then the current value of constant-current charging and discharging can be calculated automatically.

  • Theoretical specific capacity of lithium iron phosphate is 170 mAh/g, and the mass of input actives is 2mg.

  • Set the multiplication rate gradient as 0.1C, 0.2C, 0.5C, 1C, 2C, 5C, 10C, 20C, 1C.

  • Evaluate the performance of lithium iron phosphate batteries under different multiplication rates, study its stability under different current densities, and help analyze the characteristics of electrode materials.

  • Lithium iron phosphate cathode material generally undergoes redox reaction at higher voltage.

  • Therefore, the test voltage window is set at 2.0~4.2V, please refer to the literature and combine with your own experiments.

  • Cycling 10 turns at each magnification not only evaluates the reversibility and reproducibility of the electrochemical behavior of the material, but also saves time costs and resources.

  • Gradient of rate and number of cycles per rate can be set according to the requirement.

  • The above demonstration parameters are for reference only, please refer to your own experiments.

  • After setting the parameters of the work step, just click start. 

This operation video tutorial is applicable to the following products:
● CT-4000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-4008Q-5V100mA, CT-4008Q-5V6A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V6A-164, CT-4008Q-5V12A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V12A-164, etc.)
● CE-6000 Battery Testing System Series (Cell, Module, Pack, etc.)
● CT/CTE-8000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-8002Q-5V100mA, CTE-8008-5V200A, etc.)
● All-in-One Battery Testing System Series (WHW-25L-S-16CH, WIHW-200-160CH-B, WHW-100L-2-160CH, WHW-500L-5V6A80CH-380V, WGDW-380L-2-40BFC-5V600A8CH, etc.)


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