Setting up filter conditions

Latest updated: Mar 22, 2025
Video recording version:, compatible with BTSDA 8.0 software.

Today,we will demonstrate how to set filter conditions.

  • Open a test data and click on the "Data filter" option in the toolbar at the top. 

  • Select either "Filter by time segmentation" or "Filter according to the number of records". 

  • Taking "Filter according to the number of records" as an example, set the desired interval data, save path, and file name. 

  • Then click on "OK" to complete the filtering process.

That wraps up the entire demonstration. Thanks for watching.

This operation video tutorial is applicable to the following products:
● CT-4000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-4008Q-5V100mA, CT-4008Q-5V6A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V6A-164, CT-4008Q-5V12A-S1, CT-4008Q-5V12A-164, etc.)
● CE-6000 Battery Testing System Series (Cell, Module, Pack, etc.)
● CT/CTE-8000 Battery Testing System Series (CT-8002Q-5V100mA, CTE-8008-5V200A, etc.)
● All-in-One Battery Testing System Series (WHW-25L-S-16CH, WIHW-200-160CH-B, WHW-100L-2-160CH, WHW-500L-5V6A80CH-380V, WGDW-380L-2-40BFC-5V600A8CH, etc.)


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