Battery Manufacturing Terminology
Set the selected channels in parallel mode.
Release parallelled channels.
Conditions for data recording.
According to certain conditions, the recording conditions are set separately.
The capacity of the same step will be accumulated.
The software/system saves the tested data into a specified directory automatically according to the set conditions.
The discharge capacity of a certain cycle is set as the standard, and the decay rate is obtained by comparing each subsequent cycle with the standard cycle.
Copy the steps of one channel to other channels.
The details of the selected channel.
The resistance of the battery itself.
Accumulate the capacity of continuous charge or discharge (exclude rest step) steps.
The released capacity of a battery when it is discharged from full state to the termination voltage.
The nominal capacity per unit mass/volume.
The percentage of released capacity by the battery to its rated capacity.
It is used to reflect the current capacity of the battery and can be expressed as percentage ratio of the current capacity and rated capacity
The corresponding capacity value when the voltage reaches the set plateau voltage.