Battery Manufacturing Terminology
Discharge with a constant current.
Discharge with a constant voltage.
The current value for a battery to deliver rated capacity at certain duration, it equals to the ratio of current/nominal capacity.
Cut-off conditions of the running work steps.
Take C-rate as the Cut-off condition for the work steps.
Take the Current as the Cut-off condition in the work steps.
A energy storage prosscess that the battery convert electric energy into chemical energy.
A state that the battery on channel is neither charged nor discharged.
The been interrupted battery returns the state when it was stopped/protected/paused, and continues the next test.
Manually pause the current test and can be resumed.
A presetted step used to pause the current test and can be resumed.
The corresponding state of the channel after finishing the presetted all steps.
Disconnected with tester or control unit and cannot be operated.
Charge with a constant current.
As the reverse prosscess of charge, the battery will convert storaged chemical energy into electric energy during the discharge.
Discharge with constant resistance.